The Fourteenth Target is the second Conan movie, which was released in 1998 and is also one of my favorite Conan movies. And I am going to introduce this story briefly.
People who related to 毛利小五郎 are attacked by someone and a playing card is left at the scene after every raid. The murderer uses playing card's number to symbol who's going to be killed. From the clue they all think that the murderer must be 村上丈, who was arrested by 小五郎 before and he might want to revenge.
辻弘樹 |
They follow the sequence backward to save people from being killed. The first one is 辻弘樹, whose name has a ten. The murderer replaces 辻弘樹's eye drops with mydriatic medicine to make him be blinded by sun and tried to kill him when he drives his helicopter. Fortunately, he is saved by Conan.
The reason why the murderer wants to kill him is that the murderer was insulted by 辻弘樹 about his job at a party.
After they visit a person named 澤木公平, whose name has a eight, they follow him to go to a meeting with the owner of Aqua crystal, named 旭勝義, whose name has a nine, about the restaurant over there. At there, they meet 小山內奈奈,whose name has a seven, 宍戸永明, whose name has a six, 仁科稔, with two, and Peter Ford, whose name has a four. They also realize that 白鳥警部, whose name is 任三郎, has a three in his name. Almost every one except 工藤新一 are the victims who have the chance to be killed.
At Aqua crystal, 旭勝義 is killed first and is drowned in the aquarium. The reason why he is killed is that he owns tens of thousands of wine; however, he doesn't take good care of them, After him is 小山內奈奈, who is killed when the light turns off by an explosion. 小山內奈奈 hit the murderer as she driving so fast then caused the murderer to gained Dysgeuisa and also influence his ability to do his job as a wine steward, so the murderer wants to revenge on it. The last the murderer's target is 仁科稔. Because 仁科稔 can't swim so the murderer causes the restaurant to flood and try to drown 仁科稔. 仁科稔 is a food critic; however, he is totally not good at this area and he even wrote the wrong information in his books and misled his readers.
仁科稔 |
旭勝義 |
小山內奈奈 |
In the end, Conan reveals that the murderer was not 村上丈 due to the fact that 村上丈 is left-handed, but the murderer was right-handed. He reveals that 澤木公平 is the murderer.
澤木公平 |
村上丈 |
My favorite scene is that when the restaurant is full of water, everyone all comes to the surface but only 蘭 doesn't make it. When Conan tries to save Ran, he ends up getting his leg stuck and running out of oxygen. However, Ran gives the oxygen that Conan had given to her in the form of a kiss. Conan then quickly uses the elastic suspenders to move the car, and save 蘭. I think this scene is very romantic.
I really like the author using playing cards as an idea to symbol who to kill. Hope you will like this movie!